도플러 심초음파도상 Restrictive Pattern의 임상적 양상
- Author(s)
- 배장호; 김기식; 한창엽; 한성욱; 현대우; 신이철; 박소영; 이상준; 김윤년; 김권배
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Kee Sik; Han, Seong Wook; Kim, Yoon Nyun; Kim, Kwon Bae
- Department
- Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
- Journal Title
- 한국심초음파학회지
- Issued Date
- 1997
- Volume
- 5
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- Restrictive pattern; Doppler transmitral flow pattern
- Abstract
- Background:Restrictive pattern on Doppler transmitral flow pattern represent reduced left
ventricular compliance and associated with poor prognosis in patients with systolic dysfunction due
to congestive heart failure or myocaridal infarction. Although there are many clinical evaluation
about clinical significance of restrictive transmitral flow pattern, investigation about what kinds
of disease reveal the characteristic restrictive transmitral flow pattern and significance according
to criteria of restrictive transmitral flow pattern is few. Therefore, we have analyzed patients with
restrictive transmitral flow pattern in order to evaluate clinical diagnosis and clinical significance
according to criteria of restrictive transmitral flow pattern.
Methods:The study population consisted of 229 patients(male 129 patients, female 102 patients,
mean age 40.6 years old) who show E/A ratio>2 on Doppler echocardiography from september
1994 to aprial 1996. We have reviewed the medical records of that patients.
1) In case of patients more than 2 at E/A ratio, we found that subjects not related with cardiovascular
diseases were 76 persons(33.2%), valvular heart disease 75 patients(32.3%), ischemic
heart disease 25 patients(10.9%), cardiomyopathy 16 patients(6.9%). Among valvular heart disease,
mitral regurgitation was most frequently observed(44.5%). In these patients, patients with
left ventricular systolic dysfunction were 60 patients(26.2%).
2) Patients more than 2 at E/A ratio and less than 150msec at deceleration time of E wave
were 126 patients(55.0%). In these patients, we found that valvular heart disease was also most
frequently observed(49 patients, 38.8%), subjects not related with cardiovascular diseases 30persons(23.8%), cardiomyopathy 15 patients(11.9%), pericarditis 7 patients(5.6%), hypertension 3
patients(2-3%). Patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction in this group were 39 patients
Conclusion:Although restrictive transmitral flow pattern on Doppler echocardiography represents
reduced compliance of left ventricle or severe heart failure in patients with symptoms of
congestive heart failure, this pattern also may be seen in persons not related with cardiovascular
disease. Therefore, when making dicision about clinical significance of restrictive pattern, one
should consider about any factors can influece the transmitral flow pattern and correlate the
clinical diagnosis with mitral flow velocity.
KEY WORDS:Restrictive pattern·Doppler transmitral flow pattern.
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