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정보제공과 음악요법이 심혈관조영술 환자의 불안에 미치는 영향

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Keimyung Author(s)
Park, Kyung MinPark, Cheong Ja
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy as one of the psychiatric nursing intervention tools, with addtional information in relieving anxiety during the procedure.
Data were collected through nonequivalent pre and post, tests from July 1, 1998 to Septembei 30 1990 in 90 patients (test group A: 28 patients, test group B: 27 patients, control group: 33 patients) who were hospitalized in DongSan Medical Center in order to have cardiac catheterization.
The Subjects were informed by educational videos, which were modified according to the sensory information of the 10 study patients. They were based on the informative booklet by Kim keuirrsoon (1989). The procedural information was also modified according to the hospital's customs. Provided the music for patients suitable to their tastes, and measured their blood pressure, heart rate, the degiee of anxiety using the Spielberger's measurement device of anxiety, and behavioral response of FinemlvcrV The statistical significance was analyzed using chi-square test and ANOVA.
The results of this study were as follows : Hypothesis 1 : There are significant differences in the degree of anxiety among test group A, Test group A was provided only information, Test group B was provided information and the control group was provided neither Hypothesis 2 : There are significant differences in systolic blood pressure among test group A, tost group B, and control group. : nor) significant. Hypothesis 3 : There are significant differences in diastolic blood pressure among test group A. test group B, and control group.: significant! F = 1.31, o = .27. interaction: F = 3.80. p = .()0). Hypothesis 4 : There are significant, differences in heart rate among tost, group A, test group 13, and control group.- non-significant. Hypothesis : There are significant differences in behavioral responses among test group A. test group B, and control group.- a i gn i fi c a n t (F = 10.05, p = .00).
Further validation study is required with other subjects and other settings.
Alternative Title
Deducing Coronary Artery Disease Anxiety through Musical Therapy and Providing Information
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
강미숙 et al. (2000). 정보제공과 음악요법이 심혈관조영술 환자의 불안에 미치는 영향. 대한간호학회지, 30(2), 380–390.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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