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임상간호사의 임종환자 간호체험

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Keimyung Author(s)
Lee, Byoung Sook
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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It is important for nursing managers to understand the lived experience of nursing care for dying patients in clinical nurses for the effective management of them.
The purpose of this Phenomenological study was to explore the lived experience of nursing care for the dying patients in clinical nurses and identify the meaning and structure of their lived experience.
This study was conducted from 1 of June, 2000 to 1 of November, 2000. Data were collected with several in-depth interviews until data were fully saturated, from 1 of June, 2000 to 10 of September, 2000.
The Subjects were five nurses who had more than three-year job experience in caring for dying patients, three protestant christians and two atheists, one married and four unmarried persons. The range of their age was from 28 to 36.
Data were analysed by the Colaizzi's methodology. Ten themes were extracted from fifty-one fomulated-meanings. Fomulated-meanings were extracted from the restatements and the significant-statements which were deriven from the raw data Finally ten themes took form of five structures.
Five structures of 'The lived experience of nursing care for the dying patients in clinical nurses' were :
1. Experiencing guilty feeling and anger due to their and other's manneristic and ignored attitude toward dying patients
2. Feeling heartily the necessity of the education of hospice care because of their incompetence due to lack of knowledge of hospice care
3. Recognizing the human rights of dying patient's thinking themselves and their families
4. Feeling satisfaction with their nursing accomplishments and reflecting their life through nursing care of the dying patients
5. Experiencing low self-respect due to the other's negative perspective toward their job
The results of the study would give useful information to nursing managers to understand the lived experience of nursing care for dying patients in clinical nurses and establish adequate strategies to support them.
Alternative Title
The lived experience of nursing care for the dying patients in clinical nurses
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
강성례 and 이병숙. (2001). 임상간호사의 임종환자 간호체험. 간호행정학회지, 7(2), 237–251.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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