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종합병원 일반간호사의 근무지 이동과 관련된 직무 스트레스 및 이직의도

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Keimyung Author(s)
Koh, Hyo Jung
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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Purposes : This study was to investigate the job stress and turnover intention related to transfer of duty post of staff nurses working in general hospitals.

Method : The subjects of this study were 384 staff nurses working in 6 general hospitals, with more than 200 beds, in Daegu and Kungbuk province in Korea Data were collected through questionnaires and from Sep. 15 to Oct. 6, 2001. The used tool for measuring the degree of job stress was developed by Kim and Gu(1984) and the used tool for measuring the degree of turnover intention was developed Kim and Lee(2001). The data were analyzed into frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Tukey's post hoc contrast, Pearson's correlation coefficient according to the purpose of study by use SPSS Win 10.0 statistical program.

Results : The following are the results of the study: (1) Average score of the job stress, turnover intention of resignation of the subjects were 2.64 and 4.44. (2) The result of the analysis of job stress related to transfer of duty post was higher in job stress; not satisfaction of current duty post(t=-2.06, p=0.04). (3) The result of the analysis of turnover intention related to transfer of duty post was higher in turnover intention; period of the an advance notice when transfer to current duty post less than 7day(F=3.55, p=0.02), not satisfaction of current duty post(t=-2.45, p=0.02), want the transfer from current duty post(t=3.68, p=0.00). (4) The study reveals that there was statistically significant positive correlation relationship between job stress factors and turnover intention(r=.183, p=.000).

Conclusion : The study which relating to period of the an advance when transfer and satisfaction of current duty post and reconsideration of transfer of duty post shows statistically significant difference between job stress and turnover intention. Therefore it is regarded that is needed to set a period of profer advance notice, grip on unsatisfactory factor of current duty post and intervention and management of the subjects were wanted transfer of duty post.
Alternative Title
A Study of Job Stress and Turnover Intention related to Transfer of Duty Post of Staff Nurses in the General Hospitals
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
권덕화 and 고효정. (2003). 종합병원 일반간호사의 근무지 이동과 관련된 직무 스트레스 및 이직의도. 간호행정학회지, 9(1), 141–150.
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2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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