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간호교육에 대한 간호학생의 관심도 조사연구

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Keimyung Author(s)
Park, Jeong Sook
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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The purpose of this study was to observe the concerns of nursing students and reflect of the planning in nursing education.

The study lasted 48 days, starting October 5, 1981, and going through .November 21, 1981, surveying 565 students in two Junior Colleges of nursing in Tciegu, and one in Kimcheon.

The results of this study were as follows:

1.' General concerns: self-related concerns were highest. (59.65%)

The study-related concerns revealed no significant differences between school years (p>0. 05); the liigher the year, the higher the self-related concerns became (p<0.01); the lower the year, the higher the clinical practice-related concerns were (p<0.001).

2. Study-related concerns: concerns of clinical aspects of nursing were highest. (42. 83%)

The higher the year, the higher the concerns of theoretical aspects of nursing became (p>0.05): the lower the year, the higher the concerns of clinical aspects of nursing became-(p<0.005): the higher .the year, the higher the concerns of curriculum became (p<0.01); concerns of faculty members revealed no significant differences between years (p)>0.05); in the 2nd year, concerns of school environment and institutional facilities were highest (p<0.01).

3. Self-related concerns: concerns of employment were highest. (30.09%)

In the 1st year, concerns of human relationships showed the highest response (p<0.05); concerns •of extracurricular activities and hobbies revealed no significant differences between years (p>0.05); the highe the year, the higher the concerns of employment became (p<0,05); among the 2nd year students, the highest response was concerns for religion and their own self-concept(p<0. 05); concerns of home and economics revealed no significant differences between years (p>0. 05).

4. Clinical practice-related concerns: concerns for patient were highest. (72.39%)

Concerns for patients revealed no significant differences between years (p>0. 05); concerns of patients families revealed no significant differences (p>0,05); the higher the year, thegreater the concerns -for becaming a R.N. (p<0. 01); concerns of physicians and other medical members revealed no significant differences between years (p>0. 05).
Alternative Title
A Study on Nursing Education Reflecting Concerns of Nursing Students
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
박정숙. (1982). 간호교육에 대한 간호학생의 관심도 조사연구. 대한간호, 21(3), 59–74.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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