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노인의 성별 만성동통 호소의 차이에 대한 조사연구

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Myung AePark, Kyung Min
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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Despite acknowledgment that pain is likely to be a major problem for many older adults, it is difficult to estimate the
frequency of pain problems for this population. The main purpose of this study was to identify the various
characteristics of chronic pain in the elderly by gender. It examines by gender, pain frequency, pain intensity,
number of chronic pain sites, localization of pain, impact on activities, methods of pain management, and effects of
chronic pain management.
The subjects were 189 elderly people(65 years and older) living in an urban area. They were surveyed at their
homes. They were surveyed by interview using a closed-ended questionnaire. The survey was done from Nov.
6th. to Dec. 6th. 1997. Descriptive statistics were used to determine all of the reported pain variables. Chi-square
tests were used to determine crude differences between pain intensity and gender. T-test was used to determine
differences in number of pain sites between men and women.
The findings are as follows ;
Of the 189 subjects, 83.6% reported experiencing pain, and men reported a lower prevalence(69.5%) than women
(89.2%). Women had significantly more severe pain than did men (p=. 001).
Lower back pain(20.2%) and leg pain(20.2%) were the most prevalent, followed by knee pain (17. 4%), arm pain
(13.3%), neck and shoulder pain(11. 6%), and headache(9.9%). Women experienced more multiple localizations of
the greatest impact was on movement (83.5%), fol lowed by usual activities(60.8%), sleep(49.4%), vis-iting(29.1%),
and hobbies and recreations(50.0%). No differences were observed between men and women in the proportion of
subjects reporting a negative impact on each of these activities.
The methods of pain management were hospital visit(70.9%), drug store medication(46.7%), oriental medicine clinic
(32.9%), endurance (13.3%), self-management(6.3%). Drug therapy was the most effective pain management
strategy(94%), followed by physical therapy(63%) and accupuncture bys-
socausis (55%).
The conclusion :
Pain is a symptom of great clinical importance that is often associated with disability, loss of independence, and
reduced quality of life. In this study chronic pain symptoms were common but unevenly distributed in men and
women. The results further advance understanding of the experience and impact of pain by gender. Future studies
should incorporate questions that gather systemic and more detailed information on the characteristics of pain,
especially by gender and by age.
Alternative Title
Difference of Pain Description According to Gender in the Elderly
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
김명애 et al. (1998). 노인의 성별 만성동통 호소의 차이에 대한 조사연구. 대한간호학회지, 28(2), 369–379.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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