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피부자극과 관심전환이 항암제 정맥주사 삽입시 통증감소에 미치는 영향

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Keimyung Author(s)
Park, Jeong Sook
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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Cutaneous stimulation and distraction are independent nursing interventions used in various painful conditions,
which is explained by gate control theory.
This study was aimed at identifying the effect of cutaneous stimulation, distraction and combination of cutaneous
stimulation and distraction on the reduction of intravenous injection pain levels of chemotherapy patients.
Repeated measurement post test research design was used for one group. Fifty-three cancer patients who
received intravenous chemotherapy regulary in outpatient injection rooms of D medical center and Y medical center
in Taegu were studied from June 23, 1997 to July 12, 1997. First the intravenous injection pain level of the control
period was measured. Second, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using cutaneous
stimulation was measured. Third, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using distraction
was messured. Fourth, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using a combination of
cutaneous stimulation and distraction was measured.
The instruments used for this study were a visual analogue pain scale as subjective pain measurement and an
objective pain behavior checklist.
Analysis of data was done by use of repealed measure ANOVA, bonferni, t-test, and F-test.
The results of this study were summerized as follows :
1) The first hypothesis that the subjective pain scor-e of intraveneous injection pain in the experimental period with
cutaneous stimulation will be lower than in the control period was rejected.
2) The second hypothesis that the objective pain behavior score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental
period with cutaneous stimulation will be lower than in the control period was ac-cepted(F=24.23, p=0.0001,
Bornferni p<.05).
3) The third hypothesis that the subjective pain score of intraveneous injection pain in the experimental period with
distraction will be lower than in the control period was rejected.
4) The fourth hypothesis that the objective pain score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with
distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted (F=24.23, p=0.0001, Bornferni p<.05).
5) The fifth hypothesis that the subjective pain scor-e of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with
combination of cutaneous stimulation and distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted (F=3.04,
p=0.031, Bon-ferni p<.05).
6) The sixth hypothesis that the objective pain scor-e of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with
combination of cutaneous stimu lation and distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted
(F=24.23, p=0.0001, Bonferni p<.05).
Alternative Title
The Effect of Cutaneous Stimulation and Distraction on IV Injection Pain of Chemotherapy Patients
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
박정숙. (1998). 피부자극과 관심전환이 항암제 정맥주사 삽입시 통증감소에 미치는 영향. 대한간호학회지, 28(2), 303–318.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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