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스트레스 개념을 다룬 국외 간호학 연구 분석

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Keimyung Author(s)
Lee, Kyung Hee
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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More attention has been paid to disease prevention and health care, as the disease-oriented medical system changed into health-centered one. Contemporarily rapid change, complicated roles, excessive competition and others resulted in a lot of stress, which caused cancer, hypertension, heart disease and other adult disease. Thus, stress management should precede for disease prevention and health care. The state of the art can be determined by reviewing 59 stress-related articles published in the U.S.A nursing journals. It sheds light on how stress in studied and which treatment is practiced for stress management. It can be summarized as follows
1. Correlational study design is most frequently used : 21 of 59 articles(35%). Comparative studies are employed by 12 articles(20.3%). Experimental studies by llarticles(18.6%).
2. The favorite subject in on women, which are studied in 13 of 59 articles(22.0%). and next come veterans with Post Trauma Stress disease, persons with a problem, adolescents, university students, nurses and parents in order.
3. The stress scales often employed are the perceived stress scale, the life event scale , and the symptom check list-90R.
4. A variety of stress-related concepts studied are anger, anxiety, coping, social support, depression,physical symptom, health condition,self-esteem, character, and so on.
5. Quasi-experimental studies are practiced for fathers' childbirth education, nurses' relaxation and assertiveness training, student nurses' stress inoculation training. Subject of true experimental is rats, which are inflammation-induced, exposed to noise,and ovarian hormone instillated after oophorectomy.
Further study is needed in terms of:
1) A broader range of articles and magazines need to be included.
2) A comparison should be made with domestic studies of stress.
3) the more detailed studies of stress are needed with analyzing concepts related to stress.
4) Individual experimental studies should be integrated through meta-analysis and be tested for their effectiveness.
Alternative Title
Analysis of Studies of Stress Conducted in American Journal from 1991 to 1998
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
이경희 and 박선애. (1999). 스트레스 개념을 다룬 국외 간호학 연구 분석. 대한심신스트레스학회지, 7(2), 63–73.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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