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전신마취하 사시수술 후 안구위치 변화

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Keimyung Author(s)
Lee, Se Youp
Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
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Purpose: We studied change of eye position according to surgical amount with strabismus surgery under general anesthesia.
Methods: The 101 horizontal strabismus patients were classified into 5 groups and analyzed according to strabismus type, surgical method, and surgical amount. Group I had less than 7 mm recession in exotropia;, group II, was more than 7 mm recession in exotropia;, group III, was recession and resection in exotropia;, group IV, was less than 5.5 mm recession in esotropia;, group V, was more than 5.5 mm recession in esotropia. We measured eye position, corneal reflex and medial limbus by photographic measurement taken at a distance of 40 cm form the patient in the supine position.
Results: The mean amount of convergence in exotropia group I was 8.93±2.21PD, exotropia group II was 9.64±3.50PD, exotropia group III was 10.77±4.11PD. The mean amount of divergence of esotropia group IV was 6.62±2.10PD, esotropia group V was 7.88±2.90PD. The exotropia and esotropia groups were not statistically different from each other (P>0.05). The correlation coefficient according to surgical amount was 0.18 in exotropia groups, 0.01 in esotropia groups.
Conclusions: The change of eye position according to surgical amount showed a weak positive correlation in exotropia groups, but showed no correlation in esotropia groups. Postoperative mean change in eye position was distributed from 9.26PD to 10.90PD in the exotropia group, from 6.10PD to 7.83PD in the esotropia group with 95% confidence interval and was difficult to expect overcorrection and undercorrection after awaking from anesthesia.
목적 : 전신마취하에 사시수술시 수술량에 따른 안구위치의 변화를 조사하였다.
대상과 방법 : 수평사시환자 101명을 사시형태와 수술방법, 수술량에 따라 5군으로 분류하여 조사하였다(I군: 외사시로 7 mm미만 후전군, II군: 외사시로 7 mm이상 후전군, III군: 외사시로 후전 및 절제군, IV군: 내사시로 5.5 mm 미만 후전군, V군: 내사시로 5.5 mm이상 후전군). 안구위치 변화는 누운 상태에서 디지털카메라로 정면 40cm 거리에서 촬영하여 각막반사의 위치와 내측윤부를 이용하여 측정하였다.
결과 : 안구위치 변화는 외사시군인 I, II, III군에서 각각 8.93±2.21PD, 9.64±3.50PD, 10.77±4.11PD의 눈모음을 보였다. 내사시군인 IV, V군에서는 6.62±2.10PD, 7.88±2.90PD의 눈벌림을 보였다. 외사시군들과 내사시군들에서 안구위치 변화량은 통계학적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다(P>0.05). 수술량에 따른 변화는 외사시군과 내사시군에서 각각 0.18과 0.01의 상관관계를 보였다.
결론 : 수술량에 따른 안구위치 변화는 외사시군들 간에는 약한 양의 상관관계를 보였으나 내사시군들 간에는 상관성이 없었다. 또 수술직후 안구위치의 평균 변화량의 95% 신뢰구간은 외사시군은 9.26PD에서 10.90PD 사이에, 내사시군은 6.10PD에서 7.83PD 사이에 분포하였으며 안구위치 변화로는 마취에서 깬 후 과교정 혹은 부족교정을 예측할 수 없었다.
Alternative Title
Change of Eye Position after Strabismus Surgery under General Anesthesia
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
류정완 et al. (2006). 전신마취하 사시수술 후 안구위치 변화. 대한안과학회지, 47(11), 1798–1803.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
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