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초자체강내에 주입된 동종 섬유아세포 및 동종 혈장 Fibronectin에 의한 실험적 증식성 초자체망막증의 발생

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Kwang SooKim, Ki SanOh, Joon Sup
Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
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The authors performed an experimental study to induce proliferative vitreoretino-pathy(PVR) by intravitreal injection of homologous fibroblasts and fibronectin in pigmented rabbits. Thirty-four eyes of 17 rabbits were assigned to four groups. Homologous fibroblasts (1.5-2.0x10^5 cells/0.1ml) were injected into the vitreous cavity in group I (10 eyes), homologous plasma fibronectin(50ug/0.1ml) in group II (10 eyes), the same amount of both homologous fibroblasts and fibronectin in group III (7 eyes), and phosphate-buffered saline(0.1 or 0.2 ml) in group IV(7 eyes). All eyes were clinically examined with an indirect ophthalmoscope for 28 days and two eyes of each group were enucleated for histopathologic examination on day 28 after injection.
Clinically, PVR was produced at a high rate in group I and group III The character of the membranes or strands and the time course in development of traction retinal detachment were similar for both groups and the final traction retinal detachment rate was 90%(9/10) in group I and 85.7%(6/7) in group III. Group II and group IV, however, demonstrated no evidence of developed PVR throughout the whole observation period. Electron microscopy disclosed that the traction bands of group I and III were formed mainly by fibroblasts and intercellular collagen fibrils, and in part by Muller's cells and myofibroblasts without significant difference between the two groups.
On the other hand, there was no pathologic finding in both groups II and IV. From the above results, this experimental PVR was produced mainly by fibroblasts but fibroectin had no influence on the development of PVR.
저자들은 증식성 초자체망막증을 실험적으로 유발시켜 보기 위해 유색토끼 17마리, 34안을 4개 군으로 나눈뒤 배양된 동종 섬유아세포와 분리정제한 동종 혈장 fibronectin 을 단독 혹은 동시에 초자체강내로 주입하였으며 이후 28일간의 경과관찰올 통하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.
임상적으로 증식성 초자체망막증은 동종 섬유아세포만을 주입한 군(I군)과 동종 섬유아세포와 fibronectin올 동시에 주입한 군(III군)에서 발생하였다. 형성된 초자체 인대나 막 그리고 시간경과에 따른 진행정도가 두군(I, III군)에서 서로 유사하였으며 최종 28일째의 견인성망막박리의 빈도는 1군에서 90%(9/10), III군에서는 85.7%(6/7)이었다. 그러나 동종 혈장 fibronectin만을 주입한 군(II군)과 PBS만을 주입한 대조군(IV군)에서는 전 관찰기간을 통하여 증식성초자체망막증이 발생된 흔적을 관찰할 수 없었다. 전자현미경검사상 I군과 III 군의 증식조직은 서로 유사한 소견을 보였는데 이들은 주로 섬유아세포와 교원섬유로 구성되어 있었고 교세포와 근섬유아세포 도 형성에 일부 관여하였다. 이러한 결과로 미루어 보아 본 실험에서 유발된 증식성 초자체망막증은 섬유아세포에 의해 주로 발생된 것으로서 fibronectin은 관여하지 않았던 것으로 사료되었다.
Alternative Title
Experimental Proliferative Vitreorwtinoapthy after Intravitreal Injection of Homologous Fibroblasts and Fibronectin
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
남문진 et al. (1990). 초자체강내에 주입된 동종 섬유아세포 및 동종 혈장 Fibronectin에 의한 실험적 증식성 초자체망막증의 발생. 대한안과학회지, 31(8), 1042–1055.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Ophthalmology (안과학)
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