Two Cases of Congenital Vallecular Cyst with Respiratory Distress and Feeding Problems in Young Infant
- Author(s)
- 김동은; 김은하; 정혜라; 안병훈
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Dong Eun; Ahn, Byung Hoon; Jung, Hye Ra
- Department
- Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학)
Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
- Journal Title
- Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Issued Date
- 2011
- Volume
- 54
- Issue
- 9
- Abstract
- Congenital vallecular cyst (VC) is a rare cause of stridor and respiratory distress in neonates and infants. Due to the anatomical location of the cyst, an infant with a VC is at risk of life-threatening upper airway obstruction and eventual death. The cyst sits in the vallecular space and can cause significant retroflexion of the epiglottis. It may also present with feeding problems resulting in failure to grow. Endoscopic laryngoscopy is necessary to visualize it and mar-supialization of the cyst is the preferred treatment. We present 2 successfully treated cases of congenital VC in young infants with symptoms of upper respiratory obstruction and feeding problems.
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