소아 제1형 당뇨병이 골대사와 골밀도에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 이상준; 이동욱; 윤현대; 원규장; 이형우; 조윤정; 김흥식; 한승범; 이인규; 이희자
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Heung Sik; Han, Sung Beom; Lee, In Kyu
- Department
- Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학)
- Journal Title
- 대한내분비학회지
- Issued Date
- 2000
- Volume
- 15
- Issue
- 4,5
- Abstract
- Background: The effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus on the metabolism and density of bone in children are still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of type 1 diabetes on markers of bone metaboism and BMD in children by analyzing BMI, HbAlc, biochemical markers, sex hormones, bone metabolism and BMD related factors. Methods: We compared 36 patients (15 males, 21 females) with type l diabetes mellitus to 167 healthy children (84 males, 83 females) who lived in Taegu. We measured FBS, serum calcium, phosphorus, HbAlc, osteocalcin, testosterone and estradiol for analyzing the factors which influence on bone metabolism and BMD. BMD was measured at lumbar spine, femur and total body by DEXA. Results: The BMI and serum level of osteocalcin were not different in both groups. Serum calcium level was significantly lower in the diabetic group than that of control group. BMD had no difference in both groups. There was no correlation between BMD and glycemic control (HbAlc) or duration of diabetes. There was good correlation (r=0.78, p<0.01) between serum testosterone level and BMD in male patient group. There was negative correlation (r=-0.4) between serum osteocalcin level and BMD. There was significant correlation (male: r=0.76, female: r=0.66) between lean body mass and BMD in both group. Conclusion: The BMD was not decreased significantly and bone turn-over was normal in children with noncomplicated type 1 diabetes mellitus, and BMD was not influenced by the duration or degree of metabolic control of diabetes. But, we need further study including other risk factors that have influences on BMD and bone metabolism in type 1 diabetes mellitus (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 15:582-590, 2000).
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