갑상선 질환들에서 여포세포의 HLA-DR 발현
- Author(s)
- 장은숙; 손수상; 조승제; 김인호; 김상표; 강중신
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Chang, Eun Sook; Kim, Sang Pyo; Sohn, Soo Sang; Kim, In Ho; Kang, Joong Shin
- Department
- Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
Dept. of Surgery (외과학)
- Journal Title
- 대한두경부종양학술지
- Issued Date
- 1997
- Volume
- 13
- Issue
- 1
- Abstract
- Although normal thyroid epithelial cells do not constitutively express HLA-DR antigen, their expression in wide spread within thyroid glands obtained from the human with autoimmune thyroid disease and with many neoplastic thyroids. We have, therefore, studied immunohistochemically with regard to the expression of HLA-DR antigen of thyroidectomy specimens from 50 patients of various thyroid diseases with use of paraffin-embedded tissue. One or two sections from each case were stained with commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody for class II HLA-DR antigen(HLA-DR/Alpha, DAKO) and examined by semiquantitative counting system for thyrocytes, neoplastic thyrocytes and other cells expressing HLA-DR antigen. All patients with lymphocytic thyroiditis(2/2) and diffuse hyperplasia(Graves' disease)(5/5), most patients with Hashimoto's disease(9/ll) expressed HLA-DR antigens in thyrocyte with abundant HLA-DR expressing lymphocytic infiltrates with lymph follicle formation in its vicinity or adjacent to the lesion. Most patients with papillary carcinoma(9/1l) had HLA-DR antigen detected in malignant thyrocytes ; while follicular carcinoma(0/3) and follicular adenoma(0/5) did not have detactable HLA-DR immunoreactivity. Adenomatous goiter(3/7) had HLA-DR antigen detected focally in lesser than half cases. Conversely, in four papillary carcinomas and three adenomatous goiters, HLA-DR expression of thyrocytes was found in the absence of HLA-DR expressing lymphoid infiltrates. In such cases therefore other factors more than thyroid autoimmunity must be causative for HLA-DR immunoreactivity. The results of this study indicate as follows. 1) The expression of HLA-DR on thyrocytes involved in autoimmune reactions appeared to be secondary to cytokine release from associated lymphocytic infiltrates. 2) Thyrocytes in thyroid lesions with equal degrees of lymphocytic infiltration without HLADR expression exhibited no HLA-DR immunoreactivity. 3) In neoplastic thyrocytes, most papillary carcinoma(9/11) exhibited detactable HLA-DR expression, while follicular carcinoma/adenoma(0/3/0/5) exhibited no detactable HLA-DR immunoreactivity which suggest the existence of divergent mechanisms inducing and modulating HLA-DR expression of different types of neoplastic thyrocytes.
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