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종괴가 큰 병기 IB, IIA-B 자궁경부암에서 방사선치료와 Extrafascial Hysterectomy의 결과

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Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Jin HeeKim, Ok BaeChoi, Tae JinCha, Soon DoLee, Tae Sung
Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
Journal Title
Radiation Oncology Journal
Issued Date
Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of radiation therapy and extrafascial hysterectomy in bulky stage IB, IIA-B uterine cervix cancers.
Methods and Materials : Twenty four patients with bulky stage IB and IIA-B carcinoma of the uterine cervix were treated with extrafascial hysterectomy following radiation therapy due to doubts of residual disease at Department of therapeutic radiology, Keimyung University, Dongsan Hospital, from April 1986 to December 1997 According to FIGO staging system, there were 7 patients with stage IB, 9 patients with IIA and 8 patients with IIB stage whose median age was 45. Pathologic distribution showed 16 patients with squamous cell carcinoma and 8 patients with adenocarcinoma. Seven patients had tumors that are less than 5cm in size and 17 patients had tumors with larger than 5cm. The mean interval between radiation therapy and extrafascial hysterectomy was 57 days. The radiation therapy consisted of external irradition to the whole pelvis (180 cGy/fraction, mean 4100 cGy) and parametrial boost (for a mean total dose of 5000 cGy) with midline shield (4H 10 cm), followed by intracavitary irradiation up to 7500 cGy to point A (maximum 8500 cGy). The maximum follow up duration was 107 months and mean follow up duration was 42 months.
Results :Ten out of 24 patients (41.7%) had residual disease found at the time of extrafascial hysterectomies. Five year overall survival rate (5Y OSR) and five year disease free survival rate (5Y DFSR) were 63.6% and 62.5% respectively. Five year overall survival rate for stage IB and IIA was 71.4% and 50% for stage IIB. There was a significant difference in 5Y OSR and 5Y DFSR between patients with and those without residual disease (negative vs positive, 83.3% vs. 40% (P=0.01), 83.3% vs 36% (P=0.01) respectively). There was a notable tendency of better survival with adenocarcinoma than with squamous cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma vs squamous cell carcinoma, 85.7% vs. 53.3% (P=0.1), 85.7% vs. 50.9% (P=0.1) of 5Y OSR and 5Y DFS respectivey). Total dose to A point did not make a significant difference in survival rate or the existence of residual lesion (< 7500 cGy, 7500 cOy). It was also noted that significantly more frequent local failures have occurred in patients with positive residual disease compared with negative residual disease (5/10 vs. 0/14, p=0.003), There was no death related to the treatment.
Conclusion : There was no improvement of residual disease and to the overall survival rate in spite of increased total dose to point A. We conclude that there is a possible beneficial effect of radiation therapy followed by extrafaseial hysterectomy in survival for adenocarcinoma of bulky stage IB and IIA-B uterine cervix. We need to confirm this with longer follow up and with large number of patients
Key word : Extrafascial hysterectomy, Carcinoma of the uterine cervix, Radiation therapy
목적 : 종괴가 큰 병기 IB, IIA와 IIB 자궁경부암 환자에서 방사선치료와 근막외 자궁적출술(extrafascial hysterectomy)의 효과를 알아보기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다.
재료 및 방법 : 1986년 4월부터 1997년 12월까지 계명대학교 동산의료원 치료방사선과에서 큰 종괴로 방사선치료를 받고 잔여종양(residual lesion)이 의심되어 근막외 자궁적출술을 받은 자궁경부암환자 24명을 대상으로 하였다. 환자의 분포는 병기 IB, IIA가 각각 7명, 9명, 병기 IIB가 8명 이었고 평균연령은 42세이었다. 병리조직학적으로 편평상피암이 16명, 선암이 8명이었고 종괴의 크기는 5cm미만이 7명, 5cm이상이 17명이었다. 방사선치료후 근막외 자궁적 출술까지의 평균 기간은 57일이었다. 방사선치료는 외부 방사선치료로 전골반강에 하루에 180cGy씩 평균 5000cGy를 조사하였으며 평균 4100cGy후 4 10cm 중간차폐를 하였고 A 지점에 전체 조사량이 평균 7500cGy(최대 8500cGy)가 되도록 고선량 강내조사를 시행하였다. 최장기 및 중앙 추적기간은 각각 107개월, 42개월이었다.
결과 : 전체 환자중 근막외 자궁적출술을 시행한 조직에서 잔여종양이 있는 환자는 41.7%(10/24)이었으며 5년 생존률과 5년 무병생존률은 각각 63.6% 62.5% 이었다. 병기별 5년 생존률은 IB, IIA, IIB에서 각각 71.4%, 71.4%이었다. 5년 생존률과 5년 무병생존률은 잔여종양의 유무에 따라 83.3% 대 40%(P=0.01), 83.3% 대 36%(P=0.01)로 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 선암이 편평상피암보다 높은 5년생존률과 5년무병생존률[(85.7% 대 53.3%(P=0.1), 85.7% 대 50.9%(P=0.1)로 유의한 경향을 보였다. A지점 조사량에 따른(7500cGy이하, 7500cGy이상) 잔여종양의 유무와 생존률에 차이는 없었다. 잔여종양이 있는 경우에서 없는 경우보다 통계적으로 유의하게 국소재발(5/10, 0/l4, P=0.003)이 많았다. 치료에 의한 사망은 없었다.
결론 : 방사선치료후 잔여종양이 의심되는 종괴의 크기가 큰 자궁경부암에서는 방사선량을 증가 시킴에도 불구하고 잔여종양의 유무와 생존률에 차이가 없었다. 선암의 경우는 환자의 수는 적으나 방사선치료와 근막외 자궁적출술이 상당히 높은 생존률을 보이므로 더 많은 환자를 대상으로 연구하여 근막외 자궁적출술이 선암환자의 생존에 미치는 영향을 확인 할 필요가 있겠다.
핵심용어 : 근막외 자궁적출술, 자궁경부암, 방사선치료
Alternative Title
Results of Radiation Therapy and Extrafascial Hysterectomy in Bulky Stage IB, IIA-B Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
김진희 et al. (1999). 종괴가 큰 병기 IB, IIA-B 자궁경부암에서 방사선치료와 Extrafascial Hysterectomy의 결과. Radiation Oncology Journal, 17(1), 23–29.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Biophysics Engineering (의공학과)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학)
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