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산전교육이 미혼모의 분만지식과 산후관리지식 및 불안에 미치는 효과

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Keimyung Author(s)
Koh, Hyo Jung
Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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The study is one group pretest-posttest experimental design which was attempted to show how the prenatal education affects the unwed mother's knowledge about delivery, postpartum care and anxiety. The subject was 37 unwed mothers who were admitted to unwed mother's facilities located in P city of Kyeongi-do, S city of Chungchcongbuk-do and D city area and the data were collected from February 10 to March 31, 2003,
The prenatal education program used through the experiment procedure was designed on the basis of some existing studies and documents of delivery and puerperium etc. by this researcher and it was conducted for one hour and 20 minutes. The contents of education consisted of prenatal exercise, delivery symptoms and process, measures to relieve labor pain, Lamaze method, hyperpnea symptom and medical treatment, postnatal care, and postnatal exercise etc. Lecture, demonstration, practice, video screening and dummy(homunculc) were used as the education methods.
The experimental tools used in this study were delivery knowledge scale developed by Kang Jeonghee's(l980), the postpartum care knowledge scale developed by Lee kwangok's(1992), Kwak yeonhee(1996) and modified by Cha Kyeong Hwa(2001) and the state anxiety scale developed by Spielberger(J972) and adapted by Kim Cheongtaek(1978).
The data were analyzed through frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation,paired t-test with SPSS WIN 10.0 program.
The results are summarized as unwed mother's knowledge degree about delivery after performing prenatal education was higher than before performing prenatal education was accepted(t=-3.63, p=0.001) and unwed mother's knowledge degree about postpartum care after performing prenatal education was higher than before performing prenatal education(t=-3.41, p=0.002).
In conclusion, it is revealed that the prenatal education conducted in this study increased the knowledge about unwed mother's delivery and postpartum care. Therefore, it is certain that the prenatal education may serve as an effective nursing intervention program to nursing practice in order to increase the knowledge about delivery and postpartum care.
Alternative Title
The Effects of the Prenatal Education on Unwed Mother’s Knowledge about Delivery, Postpartum Care and Anxiety
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
College of Nursing
김귀경 and 고효정. (2004). 산전교육이 미혼모의 분만지식과 산후관리지식 및 불안에 미치는 효과. 대한보건연구, 30(1), 13–23.
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2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
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