비촉지성 정류고환에서의 경복강 고환고정술
- Author(s)
- 김상규; 박철희; 김광세; Sang Gyu Kim; Choal Hee Park; Kwang Sae Kim
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Park, Choal Hee; Kim, Kwang Sae
- Department
- Dept. of Urology (비뇨의학)
- Journal Title
- 대한비뇨기과학회지
- Issued Date
- 1989
- Volume
- 30
- Issue
- 2
- Abstract
- The incidence of impalpable testis is approximately 20 percent of undescended testis population and some may possess vascular pedicle shortening that prohibits scrotal placement in one stage orchiopexy. From July 1987 through April 1988, 12 patients with 17 impalpable testicles were explored by lower midline incision and the following results were obtained : 1. We could identify and prove the location of testis and/or anorchia without postoperative complication : 10 intraabdominal testes (59%), 3 intracanalicular (18%), 4 anorchia (23%). 2. Among 10 intraabdominal testes 5 testes were brought down by transabdominal orchiopexy, 3 testes by Fowler-Stephens method, and 1 testis by staged orchiopexy and remaining testis were removed. 3. Among 3 intracanalicular testes 2 testes were brought down by transabdominal orchiopexy and one testis was removed. 4. Follow up testicular examination of fixed testes revealed no testicular atrophy in all transabdominal orchiopexed testes and no testicular atrophy in 1 of 3 testes which were performed by Fowler-Stephens method.
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