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배란 유도 후 발생한 난관쌍태 임신

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박준철김동자배진곤김종인이정호Joon-Cheol ParkDong-Ja KimJin-Gon BaeJong-In KimJeong-Ho Rhee
Keimyung Author(s)
Park, Joon CheolBae, Jin GonKim, Jong InRhee, Jeong Ho
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
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Twin tubal ectopic pregnancy is rare. Especially the live twin tubal ectopic pregnancy is extremely rare, just 10 cases have been reported until now. There were 9 cases of live twin tubal pregnancy after spontaneous conception and one case after IVF cycle. This is the first report of live twin tubal ectopic pregnancy after ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate. A 31-year-old woman, nulligravida complained of primary infertility and irregular menstruation. After ovulation induction with clomiphen citrate, β-hCG was 1566 mIU/mL on missed period of 5 weeks 4 days. On 6+1 weeks, β-hCG was elevated to 3446 mIU/mL and transvaginal ultrasound revealed two separated gestational sacs, each containing yolk sac in the left tube. The variable dose of methotrexate therapy was tried using 1 mg/kg of methotrexate and 0.1 mg/kg of leukovorin. These were injected alternatively for 8 days. On 7+3 weeks, β-hCG was elevated to 8,029 mIU/mL and transvaginal ultrasound revealed two fetal poles with heart beat in each gestational sacs. Laparoscopic salpingectomy was performed. The diagnosis was confirmed by the operative finding and also in the pathologic report. It is needed that careful ultrasonographic examination especially in the case of ovulation induction or IVF-ET. Methotrexate treatment in twin tubal pregnancy was usually failed. There was only one successful report by the direct injection of methotrexate to the fallopian tube combined with single intramuscular injection. Further research for dosage or route of administration will be needed.
난관 쌍태임신은 드문 질환으로서, 특히 심박동이 있는 경우는 더욱 드물어서 단지 10예만이 보고된 바 있으며 현재까지 국내 보고는 없다. 지금까지의 9예는 자연임신에 의한 것이고, 한 예는 체외수정술 후 발생한 것으로서, 배란유도 후 발생한 난관 쌍태임신은 보고된 바 없다. 저자 등은 일차성 불임과 월경불순으로 내원한 31세 미임신부에서 클로미펜으로 배란유도를 시행한 후 무월경 5주 3일에 β-hCG 1,566 mIU/mL로 임신이 확인되었다. 임신 6주 1일에 β-hCG는 3,466 mIU/mL로 상승하였으나, 경질초음파에서 자궁강내 임신낭을 발견할 수 없었고, 좌측 난관에 각각의 난황낭을 포함한 두개의 임신낭이 관찰되었다. methotrexate 다회요법이 시도되었으나, 임신 7주 3일에 β-hCG는 8,028 mIU/mL로 상승되었고 초음파검사에서도 태아심박동이 관찰되었다. 복강경하 좌측난관절제술이 시행되었으며, 술후 조직검사상 일측 난관 쌍태임신이 확인되었다. 난관 쌍태임신에서 methotrexate치료는 대개 실패하였으며, 단지 난관내 직접 주입과 근육주사를 병행한 한 예에서만 성공하였다. 따라서 난관 쌍태임신 시 약물치료는 향후 약재 용량이나 투여경로에 관한 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 저자 등은 배란 유도 후 발생한 심박동이 있는 난관 쌍태임신을 간단한 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
Alternative Title
Live twin tubal ectopic pregnancy after ovulation induction
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
박준철 et al. (2009). 배란 유도 후 발생한 난관쌍태 임신. 대한산부인과학회지, 52(10), 1065–1068.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
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