두개강내 유표피낭종과 유피낭종의 임상적 고찰
- Author(s)
- 이창영; 이장철; 김동원; 손은익; 임만빈; 김인홍; Chang Yong Lee; Jang Chull Lee; Dong Won Kim; Eun Ik Son; Man Bin Yim; In Hong Kim
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee, Chang Young; Lee, Jang Chull; Kim, Dong Won; Son, Eun Ik; Yim, Man Bin; Kim, In Hong
- Department
- Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학)
- Journal Title
- 대한신경외과학회지
- Issued Date
- 1992
- Volume
- 21
- Number
- 9
- Abstract
- We reviewed 6 epidermoid and 3 dermoid tumors of the brain treated surgically for a peirod of 4 years. The favorite sites for epidermoids were the cerebellopontine angle, whereas dermoids were found in the cerebellar vermis. The average was 44.2 years for the patienst with epidermoid tumors and 24.6 years for the patients with dermoid tumors. Average duration of symptoms was much shorter in dermoids than in epidermoids. Computed tomography scans revealed hypodense lesions with irregular borders without contrast enhancement. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 3 patients ; the tumors showed decreased signal intensity relative to the brain on T1-weighted images and increased signal intensity relative to the brain on T2-weighted studies. Five were removed totally and 4 subtotally. Aseptic meningitis and transient facial nerve palsy were causes of postoperative morbidity.
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