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신생아 설사환아에서 Methemoglobin혈증 발생의 임상양상

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김현균김천수이상락Hyun Geun KimChun Soo KimSang Lak Lee
Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Chun SooLee, Sang Lak
Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
Institute for Medical Science (의과학연구소)
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Purpose: Newborn infants with diarrhea,metabolic acidosis and dehydration may develop methemoglobinemia without exposure to oxidizing agents. This study was undertaken to investigate clinical features in the development of methemoglobinemia in newborn infants with diarrhea.
Method: This study involved 16 newborn infants with diarrhea who were admitted to NICU at Dong San Medical Center between January 1995 and June 1996. We investigated the age of onset of methemoglobinemia, sex ratio, level of methemoglobin in the blood, feeding methods, clinical manifestations, arterial blood gas findings, the results of culture findings and the response to therapy.
1) The age of onset was beyond the second week of life in most cases, no sex predilection was noted and formula feeding was used in all cases.
2) Methemoglobin level in the blood was 10.1-20.0% in 7 cases, 20.1-30.0% in 6 cases, 30.1-40.0% in 2 cases and above 40.1% in one case.
3) Clinical manifestations on admission: moderate to severe dehydration developed in all patients with diarrhea along with respiratory distress in 13 cases, cyanosisin 6 cases, fever was noted in 5 cases, vomiting in 5 cases, while 2 cases presented with abdominal distention. Combined diseases included metabolic acidosis in most cases(93.8%), hypokalemia in 6, failure to thrive in 3, chronic diarrhea in 2, hyponatremia in 2, necrotizing enterocolitis in 1 and hepatitis was found in one case.
4) In all cases, there were no pathogenic organisms found in either blood or urine cultures along with similar negative findings in stool cultures, and Rotazyme test results using ELISA method were negative.
5) Rehydration and correction of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate was accomplished in all patients and 11 cases with greater than 15% methemoglobin were treated with methylene blue, 2mg/kg as a 1% solution in normal saline. Response to methylene blue was indicated in 1 to 2 hours in all cases although there was a reoccurrence of methemoglobinemia after an initial response in 2 cases, they both responded favorably with retreatment with methylene blue.
Conclusion: In all newborn infant with diarrhea, dehydration and metabolic acidosis, screening tests for early diagnosis of methemoglobinemia should be considered with prompt fluid replacement therapy.
목 적 :신생아 설사환아에서 심폐질환이나 산화성 물질에의 중독없이 청색증이나 호흡곤란 증상이 나타날 때 methemoglobin(MetHb)혈증 동반여부를 조사하여 그 발생에 대한 임상양상을 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다.
방 법 :1995년 1월부터 1996년 6월까지 계명대학교 동산의료원 신생아 집중치료실에 입원한 MetHb혈증이 동반된 설사환아중 혈중 MetHb의 농도가 10% 이상인 16명을 대상으로 하여 발생시기,성별 분포,혈중농도,수유방법,임상증상,동맥혈 가스소견,배양검사 결과 및 치료에 대한 반응 등을 조사하였다.
결 과 :
1)MetHb혈증의 발생시기는 대부분(93.8%)의 예에서 생후 2주 이후에 발생하였으며 남녀 성비는 같았다.
2)전례에서 인공영양을 시행하였으며 MetHb 혈중농도는 10.1-20.0%가 7명,20.1-30.0%가 6명,30.1-40.0%가 2명,40.1% 이상이 1명이었다.
3)입원당시 임상증상은 설사환아 16명 전례에서 중등도 이상의 탈수증이 동반되어 있었고 호흡곤란 13례,청색증 6례,발열과 구토가 각각 5례,복부팽만이 2례에서 있었으며 동반질환으로는 대부분(93.8%)의 예에서 대사성 산혈증이 있었으며 저 칼륨혈증 6례,성장 장애 3례,만성 설사와 저 나트륨혈증 각 2례,괴사성 장염과 간염이 각 1례씩 있었다.
4)균배양 검사상 전례에서 혈액과 소변에서 균의 성장이나 대변에서의 병원균의 성장은 없었으며 ELISA 방법으로 시행한 Rotazyme검사도 전례에서 음성이었다.
5)치료는 모든 례에서 수액요법 및 중탄산 나트륨을 이용한 알카리요법과 더불어 MetHb농도가 15% 이상인 11례에서는 methyleneblue(2mg/kg,1% 용액)를 정주하여 1-2시간내에 MetHb 감소 효과를 얻을 수 있었으며,2례에서는 경과중 재발이 있었으나 methyleneblue 재투여로 둘다 호전되었다.
결 론 :신생아와 어린 영아는 생리적으로 MetHb혈증의 감수성이 높으며,인공영양을 받은 신생아 설사환아에서 탈수증과 대사성 산혈증이 동반되어 있을 때에는 즉각적인 수액요법과 더불어 MetHb혈증의 조기진단을 위한 선별검사도 병행하여 시행하는 것이 필요하리라 생각된다.
Alternative Title
Clinical Features of Methemoglobinemia in Newborn Diarrhea Infant
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
김현균 et al. (1997). 신생아 설사환아에서 Methemoglobin혈증 발생의 임상양상. 대한신생아학회지, 4(2), 238–245.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
3. Research Institutues (연구소) > Institute for Medical Science (의과학연구소)
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