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연골막판으로 싼 정제된 산호의 조직학적 연구

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김지수손대구한기환최동원박관규Ji Soo KimDae Gu SonKi Hwan HanDong Won ChoiKwan Kyu Park
Keimyung Author(s)
Son, Dae GuHan, Ki HwanChoi, Dong WonPark, Kwan Kyu
Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
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Autogenous costal cartilage graft has been commonly used for reconstruction of auricular deformity. However, the risk of complication and discomfort at the donor site, as well as distortion of the graft due to morphological change in the cartilage have been serious drawbacks to this procedure. Previous studies examining the chondrogenic potential of perichondrium have suggested that perichondrium may be used as graft for cartilage reconstruction. When a perichondrial flap or a free perichondrium was used as graft, new cartilage formed appositional to the grafted perichondrium. However, the neocartilage was often irregular in shape and varied considerably in quantity. In this study, the feasibility of controlling the shape and the mass of neocartilage was investigated using coral, a porous biomaterial, as a template. A coral a template was wrapped with perichondrial flap from the ears of New Zealand white rabbits and placed into a subcutaneous pocket in the rabbits and placed into a subcutaneous pocket in the rabbit's back by incision. A total of 12 animals were used. Formation of new cartilage was later evaluated by gross and histological examination of the perichondrial flap and the coral template. New cartilage was formed in 11 animals. Immature chondrocytes were visible by 3 weeks after the surgery, and by 8 weeks the immature chondrocytes had formed a cartilage. New cartilage was formed only on the surface of the coral template. These results indicated that the shape and the mass of new cartilage may be controlled by using coral template. Therefore, the desired shape of cartilage may be achieved using a coral template of corresponding shape, and this may help in correcting subtle auricular contour defect and in correcting other structural defects that also require new cartilage formation. Key Words: Coral template ,Perichondrial flap ,Chondrogenesis
Alternative Title
Histologic study of Coral Template Wrapped with Perichondrial Flap
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
김지수 et al. (1999). 연골막판으로 싼 정제된 산호의 조직학적 연구. 대한성형외과학회지, 26(3), 392–398.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pathology (병리학)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
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