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대구지역 안면골 골절의 임상역학적 연구

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권혁준한준김준형정호윤김종엽윤신혁송철홍류민희김용하서만수Hyuk Joon KwonJoon HanJun Hyung KimHo Yoon JungJong Yeop KimSin Hyuk YoonCheol Hong SongMin Hee RyuYong Ha KimMan Soo Seo
Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Jun Hyung
Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
Journal Title
Issued Date
PURPOSE: There are many reports about facial bone fractures, but limited to retrospective data of a single hospital. Etiology and severity of the facial bone fracture have been changed and treatment method and materials have been advanced. In order to reflect those changes and provide up-to-date data of the facial bone fractures in Daegu, we gathered the data and analyzed the epidemiologic study. METHODS: The medical records of 1058 fractures in 895 patients were gathered from 5 general hospitals in Daegu during last year and these data were analyzed by following parameters: age, sex, place of residence, occupation, cause of injury, time of injury, location of fracture, length of in-hospital stay, time of operation, treatment method, associated injury, complication. Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. RESULTS: Most commonly involved age group was 20s(26%) and the sex ratio was 3.4:1(male predominance). Fractures were occurred more in unban and white-color workers. Among variable etiology of injury, traffic accident was the most common cause. Time of injury was heighest at 6 to 7 P.M., on Sunday, in July. Locations of fractures were following sequence: nasal, zygoma, mandible, orbit, maxilla. Mean length of in- hospital stay and time of operation after injury were 6.3 and 3.2 days, respectively. In treatment methods, operative methods were dominant than conservative management and general anesthesia were favored than local anesthesia. Associated injuries were noticed in 188 cases(21.2%) and complications were in 94 cases(8.9%) and among them, ocular problem were common. CONCLUSION: Compared to previous studies, mean age of occurrence was lowered and the etiologies showed age-specific pattern and reflected the change of lifestyle. In young age groups, sports injury, violence were more dominant and the other hand, traffic accident and fall were dominant in older groups.
Alternative Title
Clinical Epidemiologic Study of Facial Bone Fractures in Daegu
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
권혁준 et al. (2007). 대구지역 안면골 골절의 임상역학적 연구. 대한성형외과학회지, 34(3), 365–370.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
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