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전이성 간아세포종 세포주의 세포유전학적 분석과 p53 종양억제유전자의 변이

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Keimyung Author(s)
Chun, Hyo JinJeon, Dong SeokKim, Jae RyongKim, Heung SikKim, Dae Kwang
Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학)
Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
Dept. of Medical Genetics (의학유전학)
Journal Title
Issued Date
Metastatic HepatoblastomaCell lineCytogenetic Analysisp53Oncogene
Background :Hepatoblastoma is the most common primary liver tumor in childhood, mostly occurring at the age of 2. Primary culture of the tumor cells(KPH1-P) was performed from the pleural fluid of 17-month-old girl diagnosed as metastatic hepatoblastoma. A new human hepatoblastoma cell line, KPH1 was established after 10th subculture during the subsequent 6 months. Thereafter, tumor cells were ring cloned and 10 clones were named as KPH1-C to KPH1-C10. Method :We investigated for the chromosomal abnormalities in the tumor cells from KPHFP, KPH1, and KPH1-C1 to KPH1-C10, respectively by cytogenetic analysis. Mutation of p53 gene was analysed by PCR-SSCP and direct sequencing. The status of p53, c-erbB-2, c-myc, K-ras and Hmras gene was also evaluated by Southern blot, along with PCR study for hepatitis B virus infection. Result :Primary culture cells, KPH1-P revealed a specific chromosomal aberration, such as t (1;12) (q21 ;q24), +i(1q), i(6p), and +8. The hepatoblastoma cell line, KPH1 and its clones, KPH1-Cl to KPH1-ClO, maintained the chromomsomal change of +1 (1q), i (6p), and +8, but there was a loss of t (1;12) (q21;q24) and a gain of t (7;16) (q21;pter). Southern blot of KPH1 revealed rearrange- ment of c-myc and c-erbB2. PCR-SSCP and direct sequencing for p53 in KPH1 showed point mutations at exon 8; codon 270, TTT + CTT; codon 287, GAG - TAT; codon 290, CGC - CAA; codon 291, AAG - AAT; codon 293, GGG -TAG; codon 297, CAC - AAC; codon 298; GAG - AAG. There was a loss of these gene rearrangements and p53 mutation in its clones, KPH1-Cl to KPH1-10. PCR for hepatitis B virus in KPH1 showed a specific band for the core region of HBV DNA, suggestive of HBV infection. Conclusion :In summary a new human hepatoblastoma cell line with 48, XX, +i(1q), i(6p), +8 and t (7; 16) (q2l;pter) was established. The change of chromosomal aberrations, and the loss of p53 mutation and rearrangement of c-myc and c-erbB2 in the process of long term culture is regarded as a secondary change for adaptation to the `in vitro` cultural environment, rather than a step of cancer progression. The identification of chromosomal break points and related altered genes in the established cell line, KPH1 might provide a useful guideline for studying carcinogenesis and progression of hepatoblastoma in future.
Alternative Title
Chromosomal Abnormalities and p53 Mutation in Metastatic Hepatoblastoma Cell Line(KPH1) *
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
강명석 et al. (1997). 전이성 간아세포종 세포주의 세포유전학적 분석과 p53 종양억제유전자의 변이. 대한임상병리학회지, 17(6), 1157–1175.
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Genetics (의학유전학)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
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