소아 경골 내염전에서 경골 역회전 교정 장치의 효과에 대한 예비 연구
- Author(s)
- 이소영; 정윤태; 이성문
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, So Young; Lee, Sung Mun
- Department
- Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학)
Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
- Journal Title
- 대한재활의학회지
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Volume
- 33
- Issue
- 4
- Keyword
- Tibia; Torsion; Computed tomography; Orthosis
- Abstract
- Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of the tibia
counter rotator orthosis for tibial internal torsion children.
Method: The 16 limbs included in this study were both
lower extremities of 6 subjects and unilateral ones of 4
subjects (7 female and 3 male), ranging in age from less
than 3 year to 11 years. These subjects were diagnosed as
in-toeing gait with tibial internal torsion and had no history
of forefoot adductus or other musculoskeletal abnormality.
Tibial torsion was evaluated by thigh-foot angle and
computed tomography before and after applying the Tibia
Internal BraceⓇ (TIBⓇ).
Results: Thigh-foot angle and computed tomography showed
significant improvement of tibial internal torsion before and
after applying the TIBⓇ (p<0.05). There was no significant
correlation between duration of the TIBⓇ application
and improvement of tibial internal torsion (p>0.05). And
there was no significant correlation between age and improvement
of tibial internal torsion (p>0.05).
Conclusion: TIBⓇ was effective for in-toeing gait children
with tibial internal torsion.
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