Atrial flutter is one of the rare diseases in neonatal period, and characterized by a regular sawtooth p waves. We experienced a case of neonatal atrial flutter who was delivered from mother with fetal tachyarrhythmia, and the neonate had multiple tuber lesions in brain and heart. Atrial flutter was successfully controlled with digoxin therapy without further relapse. Thus, we report a case neonatal atrial flutter accompanied to tuberous sclerosis with brief review of literature.
저자들은 태아 심부정맥이 있어 응급제왕절개술로 태어난 재태기간 34주 6일로 태어난 미숙아에서 심방조 동과 결절성 경화증이 동반되어 digoxin과 이뇨제를 투여한 후 심방조동이 재발없이 호전된 1례를 경험하였 기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
Alternative Title
A Case of Neonatal Atrial Flutter with Tuberous Sclerosis