저혈당성 뇌병증의 예후 인자에 대한 고찰
- Author(s)
- 서익권; 최우익; 진상찬; 장혁원
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Choi, Woo Ik; Jin, Sang Chan; Chang, Hyuk Won
- Department
- Dept. of Emergency Medicine (응급의학)
Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
- Journal Title
- 대한중환자의학회지
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Volume
- 27
- Issue
- 4
- Keyword
- Diffusion weighted imaging; Hypoglycemia; Prognosis
- Abstract
- Background: Recently, there are many reports about the association of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and
the prognosis of hypoglycemic encephalopathy (HE), but those relationships have not yet been completely determined.
As such, we researched for prognosis, according to a variety of clinical data, and the lesion’s distribution on DWI.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 19 patients who were diagnosed as HE. In addition, those prognoses were
analyzed by a variety of clinical data and characteristics of lesion’s distribution, which were evaluated on DWI and
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) maps. Three months later, those prognoses were determined by each Modified
Rankin Scale. Further, the time-dependent average Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), among the groups according to the
characteristics of lesion‘s distributions in the initial DWI, was estimated.
Results: In this study, the difference of prognosis was not shown, according to all the clinical data, such as the
severity or duration of the hypoglycemic state, but the group that did not have any pathologic lesion on the initial
DWI demonstrated a better prognosis, in comparison with the groups-that exhibited any positive lesion on the initial
DWI (p = 0.006). The group that had a focal pathologic lesion on the initial DWI showed a better prognosis than
the diffuse lesion’s group (p = 0.045). The groups with no lesion or focal lesion showed a faster recovery of GCS
than the other groups with a positive lesion or diffuse lesion within the initial 1 week.
Conclusions: We can identify that the characteristics of the lesion’s distribution of DWI can be more helpful to
predict of prognosis in HE than a variety of clinical data, such as the severity or duration of the hypoglycemic
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