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MR Imaging of Asherman’s Syndrome in Patients With and Without Uterine Anomalies : Comparison with Hysterosalpingography

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Jung Sik KimHong KimTaek Hoon Kim김정식김홍김택훈
Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Jung SikKim, HongKim, Taek Hoon
Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
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Purpose : To assess the role of MR imaging in the detection of Asherman’s syndrome, especially when this is associated with a congenital uterine anomaly.
Materials and Methods : MR images were obtained in the semicoronal plane parallel to the long axis of the uterus in 11 patients. Dilatation and curettage involving the insertion of an intrauterine device was performed in all patients, and transabdominal metroplasty was performed in four with uterine anomaly. MR imaging findings were compared with those of hysterosalpingography in all patients and compared with surgical findings in four.
Results : The MR findings of uterine synechia demonstrated in nine of 11 patients were focal thickening of the uterine junctional zone (n=2), hypointense foci in the endometrium (n=1), or both these findings (n=6). Seven of the 11 patients had associated uterine anomalies, which were demonstrated in all seven by MR imaging. In four of the seven, HSG failed to demonstrate these anomalies.
Conclusion : MR imaging satisfactorily demonstrated intrauterine lesions in nine of 11 patients with As h e r m a n’s syndrome, and was especially helpful in demonstrating associated uterine anomalies.
Index words : Uterus, abnormalities Uterus, MR Uterus, radiography
목적 : 자궁기형이 있거나 혹은 없는A s h e r m a n씨 증후군 환자의 자궁 내 변화를 보는데 자궁난관조영술과 비교하여 자기공명영상의 유용성을 알아보고자 한다.
대상 및 방법 : Asherman’s syndrome 환자 1 1명에서 자궁난관조영술과 자기공명영상을 함께 얻었다. 자궁의 종축에 평행하게 자기공명영상을 얻어 자궁난관조영술과 비교하였다. 모든 환자에서 소파술을 시행한 후 자궁내장치를 삽입하였고, 자궁기형이 동반된 4명에서는 자궁성형술을 시행하였다.
결과 : 1 1명 중 9명에서 보인 자기공명영상에서의 이상 소견은 접합대(junctional zone)의 부분적인 비후( n = 2 ) , 자궁내막 내 저신호 부위(n=1), 혹은 양자 모두(n=6). 자기공명영상 소견상 7명에서는 자궁기형이 동반되어 있었으나, 자궁난관조영술에서는 이 중 4명에서 자궁기형을 진단하지 못했다.
결론 : 자기공명영상은 Asherman’s syndrome 11명 중 9명에서 병변을 잘 보여주었고, 동반된 자궁기형을 함께 진단하는데 자궁난관조영술 보다 유용하였다.
Alternative Title
자궁 기형이 있거나 혹은 없는 환자에서 Asherman’s Syndrome의 자기공명영상 소견 : 자궁난관조영술과 비교
Keimyung Author(s)(Kor)
School of Medicine
Jung Sik Kim et al. (1999). MR Imaging of Asherman’s Syndrome in Patients With and Without Uterine Anomalies : Comparison with Hysterosalpingography. 대한방사선의학회지, 40(3), 527–533. doi: 10.3348/jkrs.1999.40.3.527
Appears in Collections:
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology (산부인과학)
1. School of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
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