Comparison of Pedal Soft Tissue Thickness Between Those With and Without Diabetes
- Author(s)
- Sangho Oh; Junhyung Kim; Jaehoon Choi; Woonhyeok Jeong; Hyukwon Chang; Soyoung Lee
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Kim, Jun Hyung; Choi, Jae Hoon; Chang, Hyuk Won; Lee, So Young
- Department
- Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
Dept. of Radiology (영상의학)
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학)
- Journal Title
- Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Issued Date
- 2018
- Volume
- 57
- Issue
- 5
- Keyword
- diabetic foot; fat pad; magnetic resonance imaging; metatarsals; plantar ulcer
- Abstract
- Ulceration is a serious consequence of diabetes that can lead to disability in patients with diabetes. One of the risk factors for ulceration is high foot pressure. The thickness of the pedal soft tissue is important because it has a cushioning effect. Soft tissue atrophy causes elevation in the plantar pressure, which, in turn, causes ischemia. Therefore, we investigated the severity of pedal soft tissue atrophy caused by diabetes and aging. From February 2009 to February 2016, we examined the feet of 261 patients treated in our hospital using magnetic resonance imaging. We divided the patients enrolled in the study into 2 groups. The first group included 52 patients with diabetes but without peripheral arterial disease and the second group included 47 patients without diabetes. We measured the vertical distances under all patients' metatarsal heads using T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and measured the pedal soft tissue thickness using the PACS workstation (m-view). We compared the soft tissue thicknesses of the 2 groups and performed statistical analyses of the relationships between these data and other parameters using 2-way analysis of variance. The soft tissue under the first to fourth metatarsal heads was thinner in the diabetic patients than in the nondiabetic patients (first metatarsal, 6.4 versus 8.69; second metatarsal, 8.85 versus 10.64; third metatarsal, 8.15 versus 9.21; fourth metatarsal, 7.38 versus 8.54; p < .05). Aging had no effect on pedal soft tissue atrophy in either group. In conclusion, our study confirmed that diabetic patients experience more severe plantar soft tissue atrophy than nondiabetic patients. We have developed a standard procedure to enable the prediction of pedal soft tissue atrophy severity in diabetic patients.
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