Subsegmental Osteotomy Technique With Distraction Osteogenesis for Natural Frontal Contouring in Metopic Synostosis
- Author(s)
- Kihwan Han; Woonhyeok Jeong; Jinhan Kim; Sangho Oh
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Han, Ki Hwan; Jeong, Woon Hyeok; Oh, Sang Ho
- Department
- Dept. of Plastic Surgery (성형외과학)
- Journal Title
- Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal
- Issued Date
- 2019
- Volume
- 56
- Issue
- 1
- Keyword
- craniosynostosis; osteogenesis; distraction
- Abstract
- Vectoring issues occur due to the dynamics of unidirectional procedure that is selected. To circumvent such difficulties, we have devised subsegmental osteotomy with distraction. In our technique, frontal bone flap was divided into 4 segments that were linked to each other by suturing wires in an 8-year-old patient with trigonocephaly. Subsegmental osteotomy and wiring of bone flap enabled us to slide bone in a more curvilinear manner and achieve natural contour. Distraction was initiated on postoperative day 7 at the rate of 1 mm/d for 20-mm gain. At the 9-year follow-up, the patient showed improved head shape and intellectual status.
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