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간호대학생의 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험, 젠더감수성 및 간호전문직관에 관한 연구

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This study is a descriptive research study conducted to identify the degree of sexual harassment victim experience, gender sensitivity, and nursing professionalism during clinical practice, and to confirm the relevance of nursing students. This is to protect nursing students from sexual harassment during clinical practice in the future and to provide basic data to explore ways to improve gender sensitivity and nursing professionalism. The subject of the study was a self-reported structured mobile survey by convenience sampling of 208 fourth-year nursing college students with clinical practice experience at three universities in Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongbuk, and IBM SPSS statistics 23,0 statistics Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Dunnett T3 test, and Pearson correlation were performed using the program. The main research results are as follows. The total number of subjects was 208 female students, and 133(63.9%) of the total respondents answered that they had experienced sexual harassment during clinical practice. The subject's experience of sexual harassment during clinical practice was an average of 1.56 points out of 5, gender sensitivity, an average of 3.28 points out of 5, and nursing professionalism, an average of 4.05 points out of 5. There was a significant difference in the sexual harassment victim experience during clinical practice according to the number of sexual harassment experiences during clinical practice, whether or not to take sexual harassment education before clinical practice, and whether or not to recognize the existence of a sexual harassment-related grievance mechanism during clinical practice. There was a significant difference in gender sensitivity according to whether or not they took pre-clinical training and whether they were aware of the existence of a sexual harassment-related grievance agency during clinical practice. As a result of the correlation analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between gender sensitivity and nursing professionalism (r=.17, p<.015). Through this study, it was confirmed that there is a positive correlation between gender sensitivity and nursing professionalism of nursing students. In the future, it is thought that it is necessary to conduct research to confirm the various factors that affect the sexual harassment victim experience, gender sensitivity, and nursing professionalism during clinical practice of nursing students through continuous repeated research.
본 연구는 간호대학생을 대상으로 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험과 젠더감수성, 간호전문직관의 정도를 파악하고 관련성을 확인하기 위해 시행된 서술적 조사연구이다. 이는 향후 간호대학생들을 임상실습 시 발생하는 성희롱 피해에서 안전하게 보호하고 젠더감수성과 간호전문직관을 향상 시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위함이다. 연구대상은 대구광역시와 경북 소재 총 3개 대학의 임상실습 경험이 있는 4학년 간호대학생 208명을 대상으로 편의표집 하여 자가 보고식의 구조화된 모바일 설문조사를 실시하였고, IBM SPSS statisics 23,0 통계 프로그램을 이용하여 빈도, 백분율, 평균, 표준편차, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Dunnett T3 test, Pearson correlation을 시행하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 총 대상자는 모두 여학생 208명이었으며 전체 응답자 중 133명(63.9%)이 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험이 있다고 응답하였다. 대상자의 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험은 5점 만점에 평균 1.56점이었고, 젠더감수성은 5점 만점에 평균 3.28점, 간호전문직관은 5점 만점에 평균 4.05점이었다. 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험은 임상실습 중 성희롱 피해경험 횟수, 임상실습 전 성희롱 교육 수강 여부, 임상실습 중 성희롱 관련 고충처리기구의 존재에 대한 인지 여부에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 젠더감수성은 임상실습 전 교육 수강 여부, 임상실습 중 성희롱 관련 고충처리기구의 존재에 대한 인지 여부에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 상관관계 분석을 시행한 결과 젠더감수성과 간호전문직관은 유의미한 양의 상관관계가 있었다(r=.17, p<.015). 본 연구를 통해서 간호대학생의 젠더감수성과 간호전문직관 사이 양의 상관관계가 있음을 확인하였다. 추후 지속적인 반복 연구를 통해 간호대학생의 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험, 젠더감수성 및 간호전문직관에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인을 확인하는 연구 수행이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
Alternative Title
A study on the Experience of Sexual Harassment during the Clinical Practice, Gender sensitivity and Nursing Professionalism in Nursing Students
Awarded Date
주혜진. (202108). 간호대학생의 임상실습 시 성희롱 피해경험, 젠더감수성 및 간호전문직관에 관한 연구.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Nursing (간호대학) > 석사
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