Characteristic Magnetic Resonance Image Features of Acute Network Injury in Young Patients
- Author(s)
- Kim S.; Sohn S.-I.; Park H.; Kim J.S.; Hong J.-H.
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Sohn, Sung Il; Park, Hyung Jong; Kim, Joon Sik; Hong, Jeong Ho
- Department
- Dept. of Neurology (신경과학)
Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
- Journal Title
- Case Rep Neurol
- Issued Date
- 2021
- Volume
- 13
- Keyword
- Stroke; Child; Magnetic resonance imaging
- Abstract
- Cerebral infarction is known to cause secondary degeneration of the areas connected to the primarily damaged regions. This has been named as acute network injury and is usually recognized in newborns or babies by high signal intensity on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). In this article, we present 2 cases demonstrating several characteristics of network injury. Some features are comparable to previous studies and others are distinctive to our cases. The patients not only showed secondary injury in the thorough pyramidal tract along the longitudinal extensions of neural tracts as expected but also followed transverse connections to reach the contralateral hemisphere. The location of network injury varied according to the initial lesion and projected in an omnidirectional manner as long as the brain parts are interconnected. In addition, the cases well demonstrated the temporal changes on brain imaging. Network injury appeared on DWI around a week after major damage and then subsequently disappeared. The overall process of appearance to disappearance was completed within 2 weeks from the symptom onset. As ominous neurological outcomes are thought to be related to acute network injuries, a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon is pivotal in improving diagnosis and management.
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