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Scrotal Abscess Following Emergency Laparotomy in a Preterm Infant

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Ju Seob JeongGa Eun KimChun Soo KimJi Yong HaJun Chul Byun
Keimyung Author(s)
Kim, Ga EunKim, Chun SooHa, Ji YongByun, Jun Chul
Dept. of Pediatrics (소아청소년학)
Dept. of Urology (비뇨의학)
Journal Title
Keimyung Med J
Issued Date
LaparotomyPreterm infantsScrotal abscess
We report one rare case of scrotal abscess following an emergency laparotomy in a preterm infant. A male infant was born by cesarean section due to twin pregnancy at 34 weeks of gestation. He underwent emergency laparotomy for pneumoperitoneum caused by a gastric perforation. At 10 days after the surgery, he presented with bilateral scrotal swelling and ill-defined infiltrating lesions in both testicles. Ultrasound confirmed both patent processus vaginalis. Scrotal incision revealed a yellow mass attaching to both testicles, which was finally diagnosed as abscesses. This case highlights the importance of considering scrotal abscess as a potential complication following intestinal perforation and postoperative intraperitoneal infections in newborn infants.
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