The prevention and response to infectious diseases in long-term care facilities in Korea: a nationwide survey
- Author(s)
- Sun Hee Na; Joong Sik Eom; Sun Bean Kim; Hyung Jin Yoon; So Yeon Yoo; Kyeong Sook Cha; Jong Rim Choi; Ji Yeon Choi; Si Hyeon Han; Jin Ju Park; Tark Kim; Jacob Lee
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Choi, Jong rim
- Department
- Dept. of Nursing (간호학)
- Journal Title
- Epidemiol Health
- Issued Date
- 2024
- Volume
- 46
- Keyword
- ong term care; Insurance; Surveys and questionnaires
- Abstract
Long-term care facilities (LTCFs) are communal environments for patients with chronic diseases or older adults, making them particularly susceptible to significant harm during infectious disease outbreaks. Nonetheless, LTCFs have historically been subject to less stringent infection prevention and control (IPC) mandates. This study aimed to assess the current state of LTCFs and to develop an IPC system tailored for these facilities following the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
We conducted an online survey of 11,366 LTCFs in Korea from December 30, 2022 to January 20, 2023, to evaluate the components of IPC in LTCFs. The infectious diseases targeted for IPC included COVID-19, influenza, and scabies. Additionally, we compared institution-based and home-based long-term care insurance facilities.
Overall, 3,537 (31.1%) LTCFs responded to the survey, comprising 1,819 (51.4%) institution-based and 1,718 (48.6%) home-based facilities. A majority (87.4%, 2,376/2,720) of these facilities experienced COVID-19 outbreaks. However, only 42.2% of home-based facilities, in contrast to 90.6% of institution-based facilities, were equipped to manage concurrent COVID-19 cases. Similarly, while 92.1% of institution-based facilities were capable of managing influenza, only 50.5% of home-based facilities could do the same. The incidence of scabies was significantly higher in institution-based facilities than in home-based ones (26.1 vs. 4.3%). Additionally, 88.7% of institution-based facilities managed scabies cases effectively, compared to only 42.1% of home-based facilities.
Approximately half of the LTCFs had a basic capacity to respond to infectious diseases. However, there were differences in response capabilities between institution-based facilities and home-based facilities.
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