의과대학 통합적 학생지원체계를 위한 유급위기학생 초기상담 제언
- Author(s)
- 장경주; 구유진; 이경민; 이재호; 배재훈
- Keimyung Author(s)
- Lee, Jae Ho; Bae, Jae Hoon
- Department
- Dept. of Anatomy (해부학)
Dept. of Physiology (생리학)
- Journal Title
- 의료커뮤니케이션
- Issued Date
- 2024
- Volume
- 19
- Issue
- 2
- Keyword
- 유급위기학생 상담; 유급지원; 초기상담; 학생지원체계; Counseling for students at risk of grade repetition; Grade repetition support; Initial counseling; Student support system
- Abstract
- Purpose:
The Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation recommends expanding specialized
student support services for students who must remain in the same class for another year and
emphasizes the need to clearly describe the support available for these students.
Each medical school provides support for students’ school life, academics, career
development, and more through student support organizations. However, problems related to grade
repetition are currently confined to institutional mechanisms. In this context, it seems necessary to
establish a professional and integrated counseling management system for students at risk of grade
This study presents cases of the application of initial counseling designs for students facing
academic difficulties, discussing the counseling approaches to support them. The initial counseling
aims to gather foundational data for educational counseling between professors and students. The
content consists of the student’s primary concerns, academic support areas, and assessments of
self-directed learning abilities, incorporating both subjective and objective data.
The counseling approaches to support students at risk of grade repetition, as discussed in
the study, include the following: First, supporting them in addressing their isolation issues. Second,
strengthening their self-efficacy. Third, helping them to overcome the disconnection with campus
resources. For these, medical education needs to shift the perception of grade repetition from an
individual to the area of student support. This study’s contribution is to provide foundational data for
educational counseling focused on grade repetition support and academic counseling. This may serve
as a guideline for students and professors to address academic improvement. In addition, this study
presents the necessity of grade repetition support and its approaches as an area of student support,
ultimately supplementing the student guidance system and promoting student welfare.
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